The Breakspear School

  1. caring-for-your-child/
  2. Concerns


If at any time you feel you have a concern, wherever possible this should first be discussed with your child’s class teacher and most issues can be resolved at this stage.  If, however, you feel it has not been appropriately resolved or requires more formal consideration, you should contact the Headteacher (by telephone or letter) to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter with him.  Any concerns relating to SEND needs may be discussed with the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and/or the Head teacher should it be necessary or appropriate. If the problem still cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this stage, the Headteacher will refer you to the Chair of Governors. 

Having once been raised with the Governing Body, the Chair of Governors will write to you outlining the procedures to be followed to consider your complaint.  At the end of the process you will be informed in writing of the outcome and any action taken as a result.  You will also be informed of further action you may take if you are still not happy that your complaint has been satisfactorily resolved.

Chair of Governors can be emailed at

Complaints Policy